
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Easy to be Green-er

There is an ad playing on the radio, saying that if we all reduce by 3% each year for the next few year, it will make a huge difference, so I started thinking of little, or not so little things that I could do that would be easy. Here are some thoughts:
1. During the day keep the lights off, especially while it's still staying light for a while
2. Make sure the air pressure in the car wheels is where it's supposed to be
3. Buy and use a reuse able container for my morning green tea latte (gtl)
4. Don't print out receipts at the ATM, and some stores will email receipts, so if you need to return something you can print it only when you need it.
5. Recycle wrapping paper. Unwrapping slowly makes it all last longer too!
6. If I don't bring "green" bags to the store, reuse the plastic bag to line the waste baskets, or deal with the kitty litter
7. If you have a baby, reuse the baby food jars for buttons, safety pins, etc... and you'll be able to easily see what's inside.
8. Get a shoebox and put bottle caps, twist ties, bows, or anything that seems to be useless, in it, and use it as a "good stuff" box for art projects
9. Use a nomie baby car seat cover to make an old car seat new again, and keep it clean, so you can pass it along. I couldn't resist throwing that idea out there!


  1. Most dishwashers have 'delay start' settings. I've been setting my dishwasher to start the cycle at 3am. The overall demand on the power grid is lower at that time and my dishes are still ready for breakfast in the morning. It "costs" me nothing at all!

  2. I love your ideas! I do the kitty litter one, and the nomie baby car seat cover one. We just bought a new washing machine, much to my fix-it dad's chagrin, and I've got to say - these up to date ones spin the heck out of the load, reducing the drying time! And, they fill in the water by weighing the clothes, so you only use as much as is needed.
