
Saturday, May 2, 2009

CBS's "Neat Baby Product"

A couple of weeks ago Sabina at Collective-E called and suggested that I submit the nomie baby car seat cover to CBS's Morning Show for a segment they were doing on great new baby products. I was thrilled to hear that the producer has little kids, "got it" right away, and wanted to use it! Then I played hurry up and wait to find out that the segment was going to air on May 2nd, my anniversary! What a great present. I set the DVR, but didn't want to tell everyone I know to wake up for the 7:44AM Saturday piece, just in case a big news story like perhaps the Swine Flu outbreak preempted it. Well, much to my delight the segment ran on schedule! There was the nomie baby car seat cover along side a Bugaboo stroller, a changing pad, and a stylish diaper bags. It was such a thrill seeing it there for everyone else to see!

I have been spending a tremendous amount of time and energy on PR, since I know that if people know about the nomie baby car seat covers, they will understand why they are a mommy-must-have, and then people won't pass them by on the shelves. When I am in front of moms during demonstrations and trunk shows, they sell incredibly well, because they are reasonably priced, and solve many messy problems easily, and as the CBS producer said, people "get it!"

I know that it takes a long time to build a brand, but getting recognition just gives more fuel to keep plugging away, and getting encouragement from others has been a tremendous help.

Just in case you didn't happen to be up at 7:44AM this morning, I don't want you to miss the CBS segment, so here's the link!

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