Often I have found, that while I think I am being clear when I am describing things, there are times that words seem to fail me. As a result, sometimes drawings, diagrams and demonstrations work really well. For many reasons I love doing demonstrations. Getting in front of people is really the best. It not only allows me to quickly demonstrate how quickly and easily the nomie baby car seat covers and 'cozy ups' work, and how great they feel, but it allows me to get instant feedback and thoughts.
I have been fortunate to have received many wonderful emails and comments about the nomie baby products, and some people have even sent wonderful photos of their little ones. What a treat! The more the merrier. I would love to start a gallery of nomie baby babies. Again, I love receiving the notes, getting re-orders and referrals, but "a picture tells 1,000 words - truly!
k - i wish i had a child that fit in a nomie baby now...or i wish i had a nomie baby then!