Calling all Dads! Very often you are called into action when the going gets tough AND dirty. I know my husbands likes to say, "The dirtier, the better," and whether he's joking or not, I take him up on it, or call his bluff, which ever the case may be! There are also those jobs that require tools or spacial relations, or assembling or re-assembling, which often go to the Dads as well! One such task is cleaning the children's car seats after a long road trip, or the dreaded carsickness. It used to require gloves, a hose and a great memory for exactly which strap went into which slot to reassemble. No more!
The nomie baby car seat cover solves all these problems. It is a cozy, removable, washable and waterproof cover for infant and toddler car seats that slips on and off without having to take the car seat out of the car, or even removing the straps. It's a hassle-free way to deal with all the messes. So now really the "dirtier the better," even though the challenge isn't quite the same, but you'll be thanked for dealing with the mess all the same, and now you have more time for the fun stuff!